
WIP: Windschief

It's been a busy week as always, but I fortunately have found some knitting time over the past week.  If you remember from my last post, I am trying hard to finish all of my Christmas gifts for family and friends early so that the weeks leading up to Christmas aren't extremely chaotic.  So far, I am doing pretty well. :)

My dad has been patiently waiting for his Windschief hat.  It's been a long time since I've knitted him a hat, and the plain stockinette one is beginning to look a little bit, well... old.  This time, we decided that his hat needs a bit more interest, so I settled on making him a Windschief.

I think it looks very nice so far, and I'm looking forward to giving this to my dad on Christmas morning, even though he'll probably want to wear it earlier, I think I'll hold onto it for a while longer.  ;)



  1. Nice choice Emily! I made one for my husband for his birthday this year. The twisted stitches did give it some pizazz! Love Stephen West's designs :)

  2. I love the look of twisted stitches, but I hate working them because they slow me down, boo. I just finished a pair of Circinus socks from the latest issue of Knitty, and they are full of twisted stitches. In the end they made gorgeous socks, but working them took so long. I think I might have to get a copy of this pattern, though, because my husband and my brother-in-law both need new hats for xmas this year!

  3. What an interesting hat design for your dad. I'm sure that he'll love it, especially since you knit it just for him.


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